Download Ikeja Golf Club Mobile Apps


Note: When installing the app, the system might ask if you trust the source. This happens because you are not installing it from the Google Play Store. Please proceed with the installation.

Setup Home Screen for Android Phones 

1. Go, using your mobile phone
2. Click on the three dot tab (menu)
3. Select “Add to Home Screen”
4. Locate Ikeja Golf Club Quicklink icon on your home screen
5. Tap the icon each time you want to access Ikeja Golf Club services on Quicklink


Setup  Home Screen for iOS Phones

To add a link to your iPhone home screen, you can create a website icon in the Safari app: 

  1. Open the Safari app
  2. Go to the,
  3. Tap the Share icon, which looks like a square with an arrow pointing up.
  4. Select Add to Home Screen
  5. Name your link button
  6. Look for your link button on your Home screen

Accessing Ikeja Golf Club Services on Quicklink

To access Ikeja Golf Club services on Quicklink, you can do any of the following:

1. Download and install Ikeja Golf Club app on your phone. Open the app and click on “Quicklink”.
2. Setup Ikeja Golf Club Quicklink icon on your phone home screen. Then click on the icon.
3. Enter into your web browser 
4. Enter into your web browser and then search for Ikeja Golf Club